The Foundation
As the saying goes, a buck is half your herd. Making sure that our bucks are in tip-top shape is essential. We give Eminence and Zouk some special attention throughout the year to ensure that they are able to perform their best. As you consider the breeding schedule, please refer to each of our buck's introductions below.
Eminence comes from premier, top-shelf genetics with royal lineage and performance throughout. He is a double Wood Bridge Farm buck.
His sire, GCH Wood Bridge Farm Undisputed, was Reserve National Jr. Get-of-Sire in 2018. Undisputed's grand-dam was the 2014 and 2016 Nation Champion Nigerian Dwarf Doe. All of Undisputed's kids have placed in the top 20 at nationals for the last several years. Each of the past three generations on his sire's lineage has attained the GCH accolade, including SGCH Wood Bridge Too Love Potion #9.
His dam has also comes from strong genetics that contains Wood Bridge Farm, Old Mountain Farm, and CUATLILREDBARN. Wood Bridge Farm Ma Cherie, is the mother of the 2018 American Goat Society Junior National Champion.
His sire, GCH Wood Bridge Farm Undisputed, was Reserve National Jr. Get-of-Sire in 2018. Undisputed's grand-dam was the 2014 and 2016 Nation Champion Nigerian Dwarf Doe. All of Undisputed's kids have placed in the top 20 at nationals for the last several years. Each of the past three generations on his sire's lineage has attained the GCH accolade, including SGCH Wood Bridge Too Love Potion #9.
His dam has also comes from strong genetics that contains Wood Bridge Farm, Old Mountain Farm, and CUATLILREDBARN. Wood Bridge Farm Ma Cherie, is the mother of the 2018 American Goat Society Junior National Champion.
Zouk's dam, SG Rosasharn SH Ginger Cake, is a 5*M. His sire, Gypsy Moon WP Starwars, achieved grand champion at the Georgia Classic in Colbert, GA and reserve grand champion at the Carolina Classic in Walterboro, NC. He comes from a pedigree lineage that has exceptional accolades for milk production, body structure, and inheritable traits.
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